Saturday, May 13, 2023

The BEST BEE Decor DIY Ideas To Try In 2023

The BEST BEE Decor DIY Ideas To Try In 2023 thumbnail

thank you the first project is going to be a B on the have some black paint this little b wreath form that came from Dollar Tree here is the tag information in case you are looking for those.

We're going to use some of these cork foam bottoms and here's the information for these and we're going to use three of them we're going to spray paint that bee let it dry I'm going to grab three pieces of whatever type of cardstock or yellow paper that you have and I like this with the dots peel the.

Back off of this then you can just place it down on your paper you can save a little space by putting it as close to the edge as possible then you have extra paper to use we don't want to waste make sure that you press that down really well you won't need any type of glue or adhesive because it does the paper does cling.

Nicely to the adhesive that's already on this this little shape so once you get it all trimmed out it's going to look like this and we're going to do each one of them you can see they'll sit right together we're going to glue them together on the back with these large popsicle sticks we're going to use two on each side to.

Connect these into this shape almost like a little Mickey Mouse ears just three you can use more if you would like but I like these three for the shape that I'm going for now around the edges you can go with a paint pen a paint marker and cover up that white if you would like you can also use black just be careful that you don't Let It.

Bleed onto your paper that you have there don't want to make a mess here is that black B now not sure why they made it red but that's okay too to each his own right so now to glue this Frame down I'm going to use some E6000 you can also use a tiny bit of hot glue.

If you have a hot glue like a detail gun so I'm just going to take this E6000 and put it on the parts of the wreath frame that are going to be touching the have the little honeycomb have underneath it put these on the sections that'll touch otherwise you'll just be gluing it to your table and be careful because a.

Little bit is probably going to squish out around it once you get it set down put some weights on it and leave it until it dries if you have a little bit of glue that's kind of squished out we want to keep this high-end looking so grab a little stick and you can just remove it just like that.

I've got some tiny beads that have some little kind of ridges in them and I thought it would be cute to put those up here on the antenna we're going to say that this little bee has already been dipped down into the flower and he's got a little bit of pollen.

Right there it fits perfectly on The Wire these are just some that um I've had for a while not even really sure where I've got them from but you can use any kind of bead that you want you could even use yellow beads if you have some kind of a golden yellow color I guess.

But don't worry we'll paint these we'll paint them later they have a box of beads I just collect them and these are some half rounds and I thought you know these would be cute to cover up where all of those little crossbars are so you don't see those there put them on the Stinger you can put them.

Around the bottom you could trim the entire thing out if you had enough I didn't have enough to go all the way around it would have also been really cute to go completely around the wings but I didn't have enough of that so I'm gonna decide how I want it then I'm going to take those beads off after I get them positioned so I know I.

Have enough I'm gonna put those down on a paper and try to paint them a color very similar to our background and so this sunflower yellow is my favorite yellow for crafting with it's just a beautiful color and it matches that background really well I'm going to paint those each one of them.

And set them aside to let them dry then we're going to grab some of that same paint and a brush and go right over the little beads that are on the antenna we've already got bees all over the place here in fact we've had bees we've had uh the carpenter bees are out the Bumblebees are out honeybees are out yeah they're everywhere already here.

Because it's been unseasonably warm even for South Alabama it's been very warm like in the high 70s and in the 80s I think yesterday it was I think the thermometer in my car was registering about 88. so that was kind of kind of wild for a winter day right but that's okay because it was a.

Beautiful day it was sunny and beautiful and I was Outdoors most of the day after I got my work done so that was that was great so you see I'm just kind of putting them here and there where there are edges and just spacing them out and I really like this um if you don't like the look of this.

You don't have to do this if you just have beads maybe you could clip the wire and feed the beads through there that would be a lot more work but if that's what you like then go for it so we'll just use hot glue to put down these little half rounds and then we're going to make a hanger so it's glued down on the little Hive or.

The honeycomb and I'm going to just make this little knot with a piece of extra jute scrap that I had and we're going to Loop it over and pull it through and this will be our hanger you can see it's going to hang nicely like that and then try to get it sort of in the.

Center of the the little head there and just because I want it to be extra this is going to be a girl B this is going to be the queen bee so we're going to give her a little bow I'm going to put that right on top of her head and it's going to be so cute this is just some thin black ribbon I have you can use whatever.

You like they have some really pretty B ribbon at Dollar Tree if you wanted to use that but I didn't think that my bee would be wearing a ribbon that had bees on it I don't know I mean that's fine if that's what you like but for me it just I don't know I'm just going to use the black here very simple it doesn't stand out like.

Crazy just let you know that she's our girl bee she's not a worker bee she's sitting on her future babies okay the next one is the bee life we're going to use this wooden frame it's a little bit already on the.

Honeycomb if you like that you can use exactly that but I found some thrifted fabric with bees so I matched up my sunflower yellow perfectly I'm going to use a little scraper tool and and I'm gonna try to cut this out I measured the B against what was.

Already on the frame so if you want to use what's already on the frame you could paint it or grab some acrylic markers and color it the same way what I really wanted was some detail for this project so I'm going to use some mod podge and some cardstock I'm going to cut a piece out so that I can make this fabric a little bit thicker.

So when you put it down on The Mod Podge it gives it a thicker backing makes it a little more sturdy and substantial so that's what we're going to do I'm just using a tiny foam brush here and it looks like I'm dipping a lot but I'm using not a whole lot because you will if you put too much on there it'll get the paper so damp that it'll curl or.

That it will get too soggy and I don't want that to happen I want this bee to be nice and flat once I get the amount on that I need then I'll go back over a little more heavy-handed over the entire piece of fabric with that Mod Podge I'm going all the way over and all the.

Way around it I like matte Mod Podge the best but you know you can use any any type that you like certainly be okay so we're going to remove the hanger and any tag that's on there I'm going to take that off I'm going to use this little spatula here that has seen better days and I'm going to gently gently try to.

Push these up underneath the legs the wings the body you've got to be super careful because the antenna the wings all that will break so I decided since it's so fragile let's go ahead and use some heat on it and not burn my hand and then put the heat on there and then pull up on the frame while pushing down.

On the body of the beat this removed it nicely with only leaving like one little Splinter of wood on there that you'll see but we can fix that so that's no problem now I want to save the bee for another project so I'm going to put it aside you see this little piece here I'm just gonna.

Scrape that off and you can use the front or the back of it whichever one that is in the best shape you're going to color that entire beehive and that same sunflower color and go all the way around it this was not the breast the best brush for this I should have used a foam brush because I like the dimension of that the dark.

Wood on the inside of the honeycomb it gives it a little more depth so but you'll see how I fix that just be aware be careful with it all right the first cut I'm going to do on this B is like a rough cut I'm going to cut off as much of that negative space as I can cut off without fussy cutting that's just going to get it out.

Of the way and make it easier I'm going to get some smaller scissors and start cutting around all of the legs the wings the antenna all of that and you can see how it's going to look here it is after it's all cut out now there are some places like around you can see the white on the edges I'm.

Just going to cover that up I don't like that white there I want it to look more full and Rich so I'm just going to take this little marker it has a brush tip on it and I'm gonna go all the way over the legs the antenna the wings all of the areas that look like they are they still have some white fabric around it and.

Then to make the wings stand out a little bit more I'm just going right on the edge on the side of that Wing just to give it some shadow and to make it look a little more noticeable because we're going to be putting this bee in his yellow wings against yellow Hive and or.

Yellow honeycomb and I want them to show I don't want them to stand out I want this bee to stand out so if you did what I did and got a little bit of yellow on the inside just go over it I'm going to go over it very slowly with the side of this brush and it will neatly put the darkness back in those and get a.

Little more of a shadow so I'm going to use some jingle blocks here and I'm going to put them on the back side of the bead so that it stands up out from the have or the honeycomb that's a honeycomb okay Brandy it's a honeycomb I got it I got it y'all I think I got it now.

I'm going to put these down on here once I got them glued down figure out kind of where I want to place them and then I am going to use some hot glue to put it down so we're going to say that this bee is our drone b or our worker bee he works all the time he works hard for the money he's here he's taking care of the honeycomb and he is.

Going to be gathering food and bringing it back to the rest of the bees in the colony right I'm going to use a little bit of hot glue on the back too just to go across the frame to make sure it doesn't go anywhere let the glue dry completely now I'm going to take a little bunch of flowers almost like a little bouquet I'm.

Going to cut off those little cheapy looking ends and just use a piece of jute and a little bit of glue to hold those pieces together now I'm using the glue here because some of the pieces had really short stems and I didn't want to fall out so that's why I use the glute if all your stems are long you won't need to do.

That I'm going to wrap the top part around the top and then I'm going to just wind that bottom part around the bottom part until all of that jute is glued down protect your finger shawl I always say it and you're probably tired of hearing it but I care enough about you I don't want you to burn off your fingerprints.

Okay so now we're gonna go here glue it down and it shows you here that the bee has flowers where he's getting his food we're gonna make a little bow this is that simple bow really really simple you've seen me make it before you probably don't want me to tell you how to do it again but you can.

See how I'm doing it and when you're making a bow this small you could always use that method where you do it on a fork if you wanted to but I found that this method works just fine I just tied it with some jute now I'm going to fluff we always fluff doesn't matter how small the bow is when I fluff.

It no flat bows in this house okay so there's two different ways that you can hang this just two different ideas I'm sure there are other ways that it can be done but these are just two ideas that I thought of and I wanted to leave it in the video so as you can see that you do have options so if you want to cut these at a slant.

And put them on the back of the frame so that it's as wise as wide as the frame you can certainly do that but you don't have to do that I decided to just blunt the edges and just glue it in two little sections on the back that are a little bit closer inside rather than all the way to the outside and just pressing that beautiful ribbon.

Down if I didn't mention it before I think you can see that that ribbon came from Dollar Tree gorgeous gorgeous ribbon he's having a good life you can watch my videos on Mondays and Thursdays at five and it is completely free next is the bee and the Pressed flowers.

This just might be my favorite you tell me so we're going to start off with this little stencil this came from Teemu I am not sponsored by Tammy by the way these dried flowers also from Teemu have a variety of these I love daisies and we're going to take this little shape from the Dollar Tree.

We're going to use a little bit of chalk paint and some acrylics in black and yellow and a variety of brushes and stencil brushes three different color greens you know flip it over pull off your tag take pull off the hanger and then remove the tag look how satisfying it all came.

Off in one piece it's a miracle it's a miracle I'll take my Miracles and blessings where I can get them it's a big Time Saver okay so I'm using my emery board here and I'm going to go all the way over the board so that the texture uh the finished texture is all the same so you can't even see where it was before.

Where the sticker was and I noticed that my frame was coming apart a little bit and I thought hey this is perfect this is perfect I'll take it off it'll make it much easier to stain and to paint so I'm using this oatmeal chalk paint it's sort of a um beige greenish color love the color absolutely love it.

And I'm just going to go all over the shape with this beautiful green you can use any background color that you like I think that for this project the lighter color is going to work best but you can certainly do whatever color you want and you don't have to use chalk paint you can use any paint that you like but I wanted to use this color.

So I'm going to use some Waverly antiquing wax and a damp baby wipe just like right out of the pack I'm gonna Pat into there and we're going to stain this frame in this dark color I think that staining these pieces really brings them up and really makes them look uh more expensive.

And not to mention to me the richness of that dark wood is just it's pretty and it looks really good in a rustic house or if you like Cottage core that sort of thing now I'm going back over this just with a little emery board again just kind of sand it off a little bit and give it some.

Scratchiness give it a little faint look of Aging and then when you get done doing this it's really important that you wipe off the dust because it will muddy up any paint you put on there if you don't wipe that dust off get it off your table get it away from your brushes and get it off.

Your project now the size of this is really perfect for this so I'm going to go ahead and place it down gonna use some painters tape and this painter's tape just came from Dollar Tree inexpensive and it works perfectly fine for these projects.

In my humble opinion why spend more what you can do a wonderful job with spending a little bit less right because that's how we do it on this channel we're budget friendly we want to do it the best way we can for as cheap as we can okay so now it's all taped down where I.

Like it and I'm going to use some mod podge and a little foam brush here I'm just going to pounce that up and down all over this picture I'm going around the greenery first you'll see me do that and then I'll go over the B and this is my attempt to keep it from bleeding.

I've seen other people do the same color paint that they're going to do underneath to use that to seal it so it doesn't you know bleed out but it's totally up to you which one you want to do after it's completely dry I'm going to go and pick out what colors I want to use so I've got my this is jet.

Black I believe and I know that I want the legs the antennas the head the arms 2B this black color now if you have a stencil from wherever you get your stencils and it doesn't have any detail in it like this one doesn't really have any detailing or Texture type detailing on it then you can.

Certainly paint all of this one color you could do all of it yellow you could do all of it black but I wanted to see what I could do if I tried to personalize it just a little bit more so that's what I'm doing here and y'all this is I'm learning too this stencils is something that I've never really done that much with.

But I'm learning and there are so many ways you can use them there's so many ways okay so now that I've got all the black where I think I want it I'm going to take that sunflower yellow and I'm going to go all over the wings and then I'll go and make some stripes.

On the body of the bee now this is a representation of a bee this is obviously not the exact B if you want to go back over and do a second layer on your golden yellow you can certainly do that see I'm now I'm adding in some little Stripes to it and just using my imagination kind of where I think that it would be and.

Looking at the B fabric that I have over there now where I've got kind of a mess because a foam brush is not a detail brush I'm just going to go back in and clean it up just a little bit before I take before I finish the project and take it off I want to just kind of clean it up a little looking to see where I've.

Got maybe some messy areas and again I'm just using my imagination because I really there's no definition in that stencil to show me what color goes where or you know what a stripe should be or whatever okay so next we're going to go on to the green because I think I have wore out.

That description for y'all and I'm going to put three different colors of green they need to be not they need to kind of be a varied like some dark some light and such so that when you put them on your stencil brush and you stencil them down you get a variation of color that's what I was going for and I did my.

Other project when I did my Essential stencil video and I use this on some flowers I did on a riser that I made and absolutely fell in love with it absolutely fell in love with it so I recommend that you do it this way if you like the look and if you don't that's okay and if you don't have a.

Large supply of paint with a variety of colors that's okay too just use what you have okay so now I'm gonna peel it off and you see part of the little leg came off part of the little antenna came off am I going to be stressed about that absolutely not did I freak out for a moment in front of the camera absolutely.

But then I thought you know what no no because what I'll tell y'all there's no wrong in crafting and we're gonna fix it so that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go back in with a smaller brush and I am just going to fix everything that needed to be fixed I'm going back over with a second coat on that yellow to make it nice then I've.

Taken almost every bit of the black paint off of the black brush and I'm just going to lightly dab this on to give it some kind of dotting and a little bit of texture the Mod Podge that I put on underneath had already given it some texture so this just gave it a little bit more it's like the paint only clings to the high spots.

And I love that look you could probably do a little technique where you use the paint on the toothbrush and you flick it and you get little specks on there that would probably be cute too so now we can put the frame back in because we know we have the B picture finished we're happy with the way it is.

For now so I'm going to put some E6000 in the corners and use some hot glue just in a couple of areas and then quickly put that on before the glue dries now the E6000 is going to take a while to dry so if you don't want to use hot glue and you can't move that fast that's okay just use your E6000 and give it.

Plenty of time to dry it fits back on the grate don't put too much glue because it'll be bulky and then your frames won't match up when you snap them back together so just a little bit on this piece where they're going to touch on the side so they don't come apart I'm gonna squeeze them together.

And then let them dry all right so now I've got this little fine school glue brush I'm going to add some dots of glue on top of the dots that are in this picture in the vines or the um the wreath form that's kind of around it I'm.

Going to add some of this glue and I'm going to put my little dry daisies on here I didn't want to use hot glue because I wasn't really sure if it would be gentle enough for such a fine little leaf um flower see how fine it is it just stuck to my finger they're so oh they're they're so pretty they're so.

Pretty it's a real dried flower it's not like a little fake something but hey if you don't have dried flowers go and get you a pack of stickers that will work perfectly as well I'm just going to add these here and there where I feel like I like them and that glue if you let it dry it will hold it perfectly in place no worries.

About that perfectly in place I love the look of that and now we're going to add a little bow of course you don't have to do this you do not have to do it I got two rolls of this honeycomb ribbon and I really wanted to use it so I'm going to try to use it up and if you really enjoy these bee videos that I've done please let me know in the.

Comment section if you'd like to see more because I have all kinds of ideas for bees because I absolutely love them so if you see something else let me know and I will do it see how easy it is to make this and I'm just using the black in the middle but that's because I had it right beside me you can use jute you can use whatever.

Because I'm going to be covering it up I'm gonna trim it off because we don't need to worry about that Black Twist that bow around you can cut your Tails as short as you like them you can dovetail them or cut them at a slant I like the slant so I'm going to leave it for this project and add some.

Glue up there and just add the bow right in the middle I'm not even going to glue down the little Tails we're going to leave them because they don't flop around they're real lightweight so remember those B stickers from Dollar Tree in the garden section I'm going to pull off the little sticky part on the back because it's a.

Foam and it's raised up and I'm going to add some hot glue in the middle of the bow and press it straight down on top of it I don't need a gap for this I want it to be straight down so we're going to use a little jingle block whatever size you have or a little scrap piece of wood and we're going to decide where we want to put it on the.

Back and place this block on there now I'm not holding it tightly in place I'm pushing up with my fingers because you need it to be just slightly upward from The Edge so that it will lean back slightly otherwise it'll just keep tipping over so when I was looking at it I thought.

You know what I can do a little bit more because I those wings are not standing out enough for me I grab that same pin that I had before and the other end of it is like a really fine tip and you can see how fine it is and decided to make little dots I didn't want anything as bold as a solid line but again.

You do you if that's what you prefer then you can go ahead and do that but I thought these little bitty dots gave it just enough definition so that's what I did all the way around both of these wings and then I decided that I wanted to show the little deviation or the little separation between the sets of wings on.

The bee so I just went right from you know the center part to where the edge of it is right there between it's like a little dimple and I just made my little lines go straight to that that's all it is to it think that made a world of difference here are those three brand new B projects.

These all came from Dollar Tree supplies these are all things that you can do yourself if you're not near a Dollar Tree then get creative grab some popsicle sticks make your own what can you do what can you make with the supplies you already have at your house look around and see what you have.

If you don't have those foam squares up there you don't have to just cut that shape out with cardstock you can do that the first project is a honey sale sign so this is a calendar page says honey for sale this is the 2023 calendar I'm going to use some dark gray or.

Wrought iron paint and a brush mod podge and a brush and this thrifted sign that I got from Goodwill I'm going to start off by taking my sanding block and just going over this the paint on the top of it was raised so I wanted to make it nice and smooth so I just went ahead and sanded that down and.

Then wiped it and dried it I'm going to add some of this paint with my sponge brush use whatever brush you would like and I will say I had to cover this three times here is that calendar front and back for your own reference okay so we're going to use this honey page.

Because we're going to do bees in this video and I want to make this fit so you just simply put it on there and trim it down if you feel better using um like a pen or a pencil and a ruler you can go ahead and do that the reason we paint it dark is because we do not want those dark lines of the calendar to show through and when you.

Paint it dark it will not show up at all seeing is believing so you better stay tuned all right so we're going to add a good layer of mod podge nice and even on there and lay that calendar page right on top this print is absolutely beautiful to me it is Farmhouse and cottagey and rustic and I love it.

You can easily just gently lift it if you get any bubbles or lines trapped in there I'm going to press it with my hands and then I'll take my little Mod Podge squeegee and go over the top I like to go from the middle outward and hold on to the other side so it doesn't slip because sometimes it will slide and that depends largely on the amount.

Of glue that you use underneath okay so this looks pretty good we can let it dry do you see the little calendar hole up there this pin furniture repair marker in Oak is the perfect color for that lining so if you've got some of these you can feel that hole in so you don't notice that it's a calendar page this looks.

Like a beautiful print this came from the fall Decor at Dollar Tree and then this ribbon is also from the Dollar Tree it is wired it looks like honeycomb very pretty ribbon in person it looks even better I'm gonna cut four pieces of a few of them two pieces of a few of them however.

You want to do it it's just going to be a little stacked bow I'm gonna dovetail the ends on all of them so the white burlap down below ribbon is from burlap I'm gonna just start layering these on here you can do it in any order or you don't have to do it in order you can.

Just stack them in X's just all willy-nilly if that's what you want to do that's totally fine I just like to do it this way my preference so I've tried to sort of divide them up so that I have some difference and texture and colors I'm going to take that X of ribbons that.

Bunch flip it over and then just using a little bit of this jute twine I'm going to cinch it and tie it in a few knots in the back then you can take your little ribbon edges and turn it over and just flip it out the ones who have wire are the ones that have wire in them you can just sort of.

Bend those or curl them or have them standing out whatever you like I just find that a flat bow doesn't give it very much Dimension and it doesn't look very cute so I like to give mine a good fluff if you like the center you can do the center if you like the outside you can do the outside now keep in mind that the.

Square signs at Dollar Tree are the same size as the calendar pages so if you would like to just grab a square Dollar Tree sign if you don't have a 10 sign like this you can do it and you'll still have a really nice look really nice sign I just tied it onto that hanger and added a little glue so it won't slide up.

And down and that'll keep it a little more secure than I think just the glue so I'm going to pull off little ferny pieces here because they match the greenery that's in the picture and just add those here and there in that bow to give it a little something extra.

I love these I've done lots of bee projects and um yeah I'll link some B videos for you so you can check out the other videos the other creations that have been made on this channel through the years now I'm just putting these here and there if you prefer to use flowers go.

Ahead and do that if you don't have a honeybee calendar page and you want to do lemons or you want to do whatever you can use any print just kind of you know coordinate your your ribbons and your Greenery to whatever paint you're doing.

I really like the look of that and here's the finished bow well pretty much finished right you can always add more and you know I always do so I had some of these little leftover bits and Bobs of flowers I'm just going to add a couple of those in there because the bees like the flowers right.

Just add those right there if you don't want to put these on you can leave it off you don't even have to put any Greenery you can just use your ribbons if that's what you want to do it is nice and smooth and ready to go if you want to put it outside you can get Mod Podge in an outdoor formula you can put that all over the top.

To seal it off then it'll last a long time okay the next is going to be a framed canvas this is so easy I've got some paint star sticks some antique wax from Waverly some wet wipes and a canvas from Dollar Tree this one says Let It Be.

Love it I'm going to take my paint sticks and we're going to turn those into a frame so you know how to do this I'm sure everybody's kind of experimented with this I want to make a little box frame so I'm measuring off my little pieces and then I'm going to cut this down and I realize that's not the right saw for this project but my other.

Saw was M.I.A so I'm going to use this wet wipe and the reason I'm using a wet wipe is because I want it to be sheer enough that I can still see the wood grain underneath it again that's a preference if you want to use a paint brush and put it on there you certainly can but this way you can kind of still see the.

Texture I'm going to take my sanding block and round off the edges where I cut so there's no splinters and it looks like one piece like it was made that way and then I'm going to go over it with my wax because I want everything to be nice and complete you can watch my videos.

Mondays and Thursdays at five all right I'm gonna add some hot glue here hot glue is going to be fine because it's going to be indoors burnt my finger protect your fingers please it's going to be inside so we don't have to worry about the glue letting go or.

Anything like that and giving it this little shadow box look you can sit it on a shelf or you can hang it up whichever way you want to do it this gives it a broader base and it will sit fine by itself in my house anyway it uh it sits up very nicely it didn't even fall when I raced and.

Lowered my table how about that if you'd rather use super glue or some other type of glue you can do that hot glue just works best for time you know in the videos now that's just easy right but let's fix it a little more we're going to cut out this little the tiny little bee picture that's on.

The back of the calendar this is on kind of a thicker paper I'm gonna slightly fussy cut not completely but slightly and add some school glue to the back and then we're going to add it down on this canvas to make it look like it's supposed to be there you could even put it up there on the honeycomb if you wanted to but I thought.

This little negative space here was just crying out for something extra Pat it down and I'll take my mod podge and this is just some matte Mod Podge I'll go over that bee give it just a minute to to sort of be happy there before I go back over it and I'll cover the whole canvas and dry it the next project is house decor.

With an actual little Dollar Tree House all right so we're going to use some of this beautiful black and white farmhouse looking bee fabric a scatter kindness sign both of those came from Dollar Tree some map mod podge and I thrifted this but I believe that's a Dollar General sticker on the back I got two of these and we're so excited.

When I found them because they're very heavy duty and very substantial looking on top of the fabric to roughly cut out how much I'm going to need I am using the back side after the sticker is removed and I'm just going to go over this with a good thick layer of mod podge we're going to use a thick.

Layer because you don't have the issues with fabric that you have with paper as far as bubbling and such so I'm going to lay it down here space it out make sure I got room on both edges press it out with my hands and then I'll use the squeegee to completely flatten it out then I'm going to immediately go back.

Over it with another thick coat of The Mod Podge I try to make it kind of even and keep my brush Strokes going the same way okay so once it is dried I'm going to cut off more of that excess very sharp scissors.

But then I'll take the sanding block and really get that kind of press down and clean against that edge it will look like it was painted on and made this way so just doing this shears the fabric off now that's why you need to make sure you put a lot of glue on there because it is going to dry very hard and that's what.

You want and also when you sand it like this that kind of gives it that little rough Edge and I love that so I've got some black beads and some yellow beads you can get beads at Dollar Tree any type that you like I've got some cotton cord and I think I want to use this instead.

Of jute this time do this however you like though this is a preference thing you could also use Baker's twine if you prefer that I do have some yellow and white Baker's twine but I was afraid it would be just a little bit too much a little too busy so we left that one out I'm gonna go through the middle here and just make a little Loop.

Pull that string through there and that's how we're going to hang it then I will take both of the strings and put it through the black bead and then I'll pull those apart and I do have like a little hot glue and see there how we do that a little cool temp hot glue twist that tip so you get a.

Nice strong tip like on a shoelace and then I'll press it through the little narrow beads these yellow ones so it's kind of bright this is almost probably more appropriate for maybe lemon Decor but it's the same color that's on the little hanger there so I wanted to keep that kind of.

Consistent now put them back together so see the little yellow ones are on separate and then we put them back together with the black bead just like that and now I'm going to make a loop and then tie a couple of knots in there so that nothing slips through the beads I don't want my beads coming off.

Once that's done I'm going to put it down and wrap it around just where the end of the roof would be and add a little glue on the front side to hold it in place so I can get it wrapped around I'm going to kind of wrap this a few times and you don't have to do it this way of course if you don't want to do it like.

This you don't have to it's kind of tie it and then wrap it around again you can make a bow here you can hot glue it you could just if you wanted to skip the bees all together you could just hot glue that little sign that says scatter kindness you could just glue.

That right to the front you can finish off your back this is actually the original front but you could paint that if you wanted to no one will see it at my house then just to make extra sure it doesn't go anywhere I'm going to add a little hot glue.

And pull it down and press it down and this is how it looks love that black and white with it it looks really cute the next is B blocks so I've got my wood blocks here or dice this is some Dollar Tree ribbon I have a I think it's a sunflower yellow.

And a jet black paint some Sponge brushes and some letter stickers start off with our little dice we're going to call them dice how about that and I'm going to color this black I'm just going to color it like the circle part on one of the.

Facings and then two of them will be this beautiful golden yellow color so you got that one will be black and the other two will be yellow once they're dry we're going to take these stickers use whatever alphabet stickers you have and if you have um.

You know a Cricut and you want to do that you can certainly do that but I had these stickers and I wanted to show you how you could do it if you don't have a Cricut so I'm just going to put B on this one the black one will get an e and then the other yellow one will get an e I would really press that down so don't.

Have to worry about any bleeding underneath and now you can't see it on the black one yet but it's there once you get those secured down we're going to start painting the other colors so the ones with the yellow face are going to get a coat of black I'm.

Stippling it on the top to try to reduce the chances of it bleeding all over the block now and just make that entire block black I know it's out of focus I had it kind of zoomed in a little little close but you get what I'm doing and then you can just use your little.

Tool from your Cricut or peel it up with your fingernails if you've got good nails and I did scratch a little too hard there into the wood that was a little soft and I scratched my e but I can fix it with a little paint so I'm just going to use a really fine tip brush I got this brush from a sensor.

It is essential stencils oh I'm Tongue Tied I got this from them and it is really fine and so easy to work with it's like using a paint pen I mean this thing is perfect so I'm just going back over to kind of neaten it up and then we're going to connect them together with some hot glue.

Feel free to use wood glue or whatever type of adhesive that you have this will be inside so the hot glue should work fine plus we're going to do something else to secure them they're not going to go anywhere I'm going to flip it over to the bottom and grab some of this really cute B ribbon.

And flip it over I got my B ribbon last year but I am pretty sure they have it again this year or what I'm seeing is what they had left from last year so hopefully you can find this if you like to do the decor for spring and summer press it down go all the way back around.

To the original spot and then glue it down neatly I don't want to put too much because I don't want to see a track of glue underneath that beautiful ribbon and really cheap in the look and I want this to look high end right we want high end I'm going to slip another piece of ribbon through there right over the B.

The letter b and I'm going to tie a little bow here excuse my camera work you know how to do this make that little Loops make the little loops and then wrap them around each other and poke one of them through the middle and then just pull them and then fix the.

Tails you know flip the bow which way you want it and then fix your tails and I'm going to trim my Tails down some so it looks like the bees just sitting on the top I think that is cute as it is but I'm going to take a little bit of this it almost reminds me of ragweed it grows wild in the fields out here.

Where I live will make you sneeze and your eyes water oh it's terrible for hay fever but it sure looks cute in these projects so I'm going to use the fake form of them and add a couple of little green leaves that I had left over as well because bees really like the pollen off of these plants.

And they make a lot trust me I inhale enough to make a whole beehive probably in a season so that's how this is going to look and you could add flowers if you prefer that or you don't have to put anything just use the bow or you could just use the word bee now we're going to do a b flower box.

this one was so fun I love making little habitats and terrariums so we're going to take this bee box from Dollar Tree I just put the lid aside I'm going to take some Gerber Daisies I'm going to take some of these little bees from Dollar Tree little wooden bees and some Greenery a little piece of foam and then.

A moss mat then I have some wild flowers to use so I want to get this where it will fit in the bottom of this box so that we have a nice base I've cut it in a slant on both sides so that it will lay nice and flat in the bottom I'm going to put a good deal of hot glue.

On here and press it down hold it down for just a minute and let that dry let it cool off you can kind of feel it in the Box then I'll be trimming down a piece of this Moss mat to go over that piece of Styrofoam and we'll glue that down.

So how is the weather where you are today it is very cold when I woke up this morning there was frost on the ground but I'm pretty sure by this evening it will be in the 60s so I'm not mad about that warm weather the warmer weather I really am not I love to go outside and feed the Ducks and when the wind is not.

Biting coal and it's not scorching hot I have such a good time walking down there by the lake I hope they'll behave for you for y'all so that I can get a little bit of a video in there at some point of the Ducks I've done it before in other videos I think last summer we had a video with the ducks in it so they're so.

Cute they're the sweetest things and Sassy oh my goodness who knew that ducks could be so sassy but you see what I'm doing here to get this mile stuck down now that looks like it looks good right it's kind of seamless looks pretty good then I'm going to cut these all down it's important that these are smaller.

Than the height of the Box because if you get them too tall they'll just kind of Bend in there you don't want that to happen right I'll start laying down sort of a background Greenery I'm just going to put those in the back and then I will push those wires from the flowers right down into the.

Styrofoam and it again if something doesn't fit just take it out clip it and put it back in because you're just pushing it into there we haven't glued anything except this flower I could not get it to set right except for gluing it flat so I added some little white flowers beside it you can see what I did there we're going to use this from.

Dollar Tree it's a little candle stand and I have it upside down and we're going to use the bottom as the top so I'm gonna add some glue to it and then set the box down on top of it if I did it the other way the it was too wide and you could see it poking out both sides it didn't quite look right so this.

Way it looks like a pedestal and it fits on there nicely this is a little bead I always pick these up even if I find only one of them in the style if I see them at Goodwill and the bins I just grab it nobody else is looking for this stuff so they don't care anything about it and we'll put a little topper on it.

And we'll add this little bead right on top he's up there with the best view of all the bees they're little stickers so they have a little foam under there and you just peel the white off so you can stick them down but you can use hot glue in areas that you think you know you might really.

Need that extra stick-to-itiveness let's call it that yeah stick-to-itiveness we just made up a new crafting word and then I'm just going to add these around on the inside too and I didn't put a lot of glue on them so if you get ready to kind of reposition you can kind of reposition which I did because I.

Didn't want both my bees in the same direction so I'll put one on the Little Flower and put one in the middle of this flower I'm just going to pull it off and turn it in a different direction these bees are working hard they're I want to give it the impression that they are all over the place trying to get.

Their work done they are busy bees right busy bees yeah I like the look of that better now to add a little something to that pedestal bottom I'm going to take some of my gorilla glue and my glue gun and go around the base we're going to make a little bit of.

Greenery on here I'm going to kind of wind this Little Flower around too I'm going to glue it to the bottom on top of that Greenery and then twist it up you probably want to use some hot glue and some gorilla glue or use some E6000 something like that to hold these on.

Because it can be very difficult to get things too stick onto a shiny like ceramic type surface so yeah I mean after the fact mine did pop off and I had to um to re-glue it so just just a little information there just so you don't get frustrated if you're going to give this as a gift or sell it you definitely need.

To use some super glue this is how this one looks this was easy right this was so easy but look at the impact it makes that's super cute you could even use this at Easter if you wanted to I mean I think summer spring Easter very cute this is a look at the five projects that we did in this video.

got the little bee blocks and the little bee habitat here and I love that the box is almost like a honeycomb shape not I mean you know it's almost like that you know that I know you can do these projects right I know you can do it you gotta have faith in yourself I have people saying that they haven't crafted.

In so long and they haven't found inspiration I'm giving you loads of inspiration and if you need more subscribe because I am always doing my best to bring you budget-friendly DIYs that look different than the standard crafts we want to make it look high-end and beautiful why don't you scatter some kindness.

Today down in the comments section say something nice to somebody else who's commenting get to know each other we're a big family here at making it my own DIYs the first project is going to be a beehive door Decor did I mention these things are coming from the Dollar Tree that's right we're going to start off with a little.

Pencil I've got this beehive frame from the Dollar Tree some fabric that I thrifted and a piece of foam board mine's a trifold but I'll cut it down but you can get yours at Dollar Tree we're going to take the tags off here of course you can see that it's not.

Completely painted that doesn't bother me but if you need to you could go ahead and get some yellow spray paint and fix that up or maybe even acrylic to make it a little easier why I trace this so I don't move it around I'm just going to use a little bit of clear tape and just tape it across each one of those little ribs and that way there's.

No tape on the outside that interferes with the shape that I'm tracing very easy once you get that done you can just pop it off I did break one of my rings so be careful when you do that and then this is a shape you get you can use your cutting mat in a X-Acto Knife if you want to or one of those little finger knife thingies but I went ahead.

And grabbed up my Scissors because I was catching heck with that little knife and the scissors worked it just takes a little bit longer and I'm trying to get the big pieces out of the way to hack at it and then do a little bit of a nicer cut along the edges just kind of remove that bulk so there's the shape.

It is not completely perfect it's got little Jagged cut marks in it I'm just going to grab my sanding foam block here and just lightly go right over all of these edges that'll get that extra paper off the foam that's on the inside will Shear off of there as well and just give us a little bit of a smoother surface to work with.

You could use an emery board to do this too if you wanted or even a piece of sand and paper whatever so you can see the little pieces that have fallen down on the bottom and here's our shape and it fits perfectly we're going to just set the form aside the wreath form and we're going to start.

Working on the paper backing or the foam board backing we want to make this stiff so we're going to mod podge it down onto the foam board I'm using quite a bit on a sponge brush so that I get a thick application when you use fabric you want to get enough glue so that it kind of saturates.

Through you wouldn't want to do this if you were using tissue paper or something you're probably not going to find this fabric at Dollar Tree as I didn't either but you can find some that's white with a little black B prints with their Farmhouse Fabrics if you can find that that would be really nice here too maybe give you something a little more neutral.

But I happen to like that color that beautiful color in the summer and going into fall so this is just the way I like it I'm going to go back over while it's still wet and go over all of the edges making sure that it's going to dry so it'll be crispy even on the fabric it'll be be able to cut it just like we would.

Cutting paper ideally and you can see it kind of gives it a Milky looking finish I'm using matte but you can use whatever Mod Podge that you like to use on this I just like the matte finish while it's still wet I'm going to trim off the excess to make it a little bit easier for me the next go around.

once it's dry this is how it's going to look nice and nice and crisp again the colors and I'm going to go around here and cut these out with my small scissors now I've found that if I just cut toward my centers like this and then I can kind of then go along the curve without having to worry about not.

Getting good corners so see now I can just go over the section and there's our little book and you can do that all the way around if it's easier for you once that's done I'm going to take my E6000 and I do use hot glue too but you just can't see it here and these little clamps that came from Dollar Tree to.

Help us hold everything in place so we're going to take that frame back off of there and I'm going to go around the edges as close as I can get to the edge with this E6000 I'm just going to make some smears here and there this comes out like in a little bubble and the top is clogged up so I just use.

A stick and use it this way and and now you can't see but I'm going close to the edges because the edges are where the frame is going to touch then after I get that done I'm going to put down the frame back on top of it and hold it in place with the clamps and you'll see me doing that here gonna make sure I got it exactly in the right.

Position it's shaped a little differently on the top and the bottom so just making sure that it's right and back in the right spot these clamps can help hold it in place and then I'll go around and all the sections where I did not put the E6000 I'm going to go around that with some hot glue just on the outside.

Not on the inside and that's going to help hold it in place until our E6000 is dry once it is all dry you can see here it works perfectly and I did not glue down any of the middle sections because I knew I wanted to add a little something extra.

I'm just going in here with my scissors and trimming up a little bit of extra fabric that's you know little ragged pieces I'm just going to go ahead and trim it up on the front make it look nice and neat you can go over that with black or yellow paint if you wanted to I'm just going to reuse a tie that I got.

Off of something else and I'm going to put that in the back you want one that's a that's wide enough that if you put a bow on here the bow is going to cause the weight to shift to the other side so if you're going to use a bow you might want to consider um how you put your hanger on the back of this.

Might want to make one that goes side to side in other words so we'll give that a chance to dry and why it is we're going to work on a bow you don't have to use a bow at all if you prefer to not use a boat you certainly don't have to but I really wanted to in this project and I will be using a variety of ribbons so this one.

Is a thrifted ribbon that I pulled off something else at Goodwill sometimes I find fragments and that's fine with me I love that color and then I have some more the yellow came from the thrift store also and then the little sunflower came from the fall clearance or sale last year at Hobby.

Lobby or last fall season I'll put it that way it's so cute I love it and getting good deals like that man that's I don't always get those good deals because I don't follow them I just kind of happened into the store every now and then I can can find something I like so.

Okay let's get started on this bow this is going to be a funky bow four inch little Loops up here you're going to fold it in half you've got it dovetailed on the ends and you're going to hold it between your thumb and your forefinger again approximately four inches you can measure it against the ribbon you.

Already have or you can keep your ruler down or your cutting mat so you can get them precise if that's what you want to do I can usually get them about the Same by just kind of fooling with the loops I'll put my fingers in here and pull them up and I can make one longer if I need to I can pull them down by the Tails and make them shorter.

We're using three different types of ribbon and we're going to use two of each one the more you use the bigger your bow is going to be I don't want this bow to completely overwhelm the small size of this this little door hanger we're making or you can put it on your wall or wherever you want to put it.

It's just bright and sunshiny and summery and I just love that I hope y'all like sunflowers as much as I do because I will be doing sunflowers in the fall also I sure will because I love them so much they're just very rustic to me the colors and everything they're so warm I.

Just love it all right so I'm going to use a zip tie here but I'm going to slip a little scrap of a pipe cleaner right down in there and then I'm going to tighten it all the way down and then you just cut the edge off of.

The extra off with your little Clippers or if you've got some kitchen shears something that can cut through thick items then you could use that too so to fluff out this bow we're going to make sure if you're going to fluff it upside down make all your patterns go toward the table because when you flip it over that'll be the right side.

Correct yes the idea is to kind of divide up your colors and your patterns so that it is mixed up and pretty and there's a little bit of each little pattern represented in your bow when you look at it this bow although we made these pieces.

About 24 inches we're going to be trimming up a little bit on this bow and so these pieces will not be the same length as did you see them here but you can you leave yours that way if you would like so it's kind of easy it's fluffing out the bow part it's just you know putting your hands in there and they have wire.

Except for that little sunflower ribbon they have wires so they stay up there without too much of a problem so I'm wrapping it around that I guess it would be almost the Center Loop there or one of the middle loops and I'm just pulling it to the outside I want to be able to see the flowers and the bees on the side.

And yeah some is covered up but you know you'll still be able to see that b toward the top she's a super cutie all right so I'm going to come over here and I'm going to just nip a little bit make these a little bit shorter in front of the striped ones that are.

Underneath it kind of just playing with it here if you made your loops and your Tails about the same size then you would have a squattier wider bow so just keep that in mind if you decide that that's something that you you would rather do I've decided to put a little Loop in the.

Middle because it's bothering me that I can still see my little zip tie so I'm just going to make a little Loop and put it in the center but if you are somebody who knows how to make bows then you know what to do without running into this issue I'm not a professional I like to remind people of that every now and then.

Um I don't know everything and I don't pretend that I do you know I'm self-taught and just try to bring you the things that work for me and then you can do things your own way that's what we do on this channel we make it our own see how that yellow one right there is just a bit too long.

It's trying to be floppy we're going to cut it a little shorter and it'll stand out a little bit I'm just wrapping on between my two fingers and pulling them down and a good wired ribbon will hold that curve for you and that's working pretty good I think it's cute I don't think that this piece would have been as cute had.

We not put that pretty bow on there but maybe it's just because I'm from the south and we love big bows who knows you can watch my videos on Monday and Thursday at 6 PM Central Standard time I'll see you in the comments the be calendar art is going to be our next project look at those cute little bees.

All right we're going to use some Mod Podge this is not a new idea definitely people have done this before a little Waverly antiquing wax this foam brush a regular brush got some little tumbling tower blocks mod podge little scraper squeegee and the calendar page the back of this.

One happens to be the sunflowers this is a box top from a I don't know what is that from cigars or something a telescope that I got at the thrift store love the wood box love the depth we're just going to kind of I'm just eyeballing it to see about how much I need to remove and I'm just using my.

Rotary cutter here to trim off those pieces into the size is what we need to stick inside of that lid so we can make it into a sign to put it down I am just going to use some mod podge and a brush you don't have to use this you can use the glue stick method here if you want to you could use double stick tape if you.

Wanted to use this again but I'm using that mod podge and I'm using it with a thicker paper so what you see that I'm going to be using is not your the regular calendar page with the numbers on the back this is actually the back of the cover so it's a little bit thicker and I don't have to worry about all the bubbling and lines and.

Wrinkles and such I'm just going to place it down with my hands first there's a little bit of room on each side of the picture but I don't I'm not concerned about that because when it dries it's just going to be the wood color and it'll just look like part of the frame I'm going to go all the way around.

Making sure that there's no no air left in and I'm happy with it then I'm going to take that same matte Mod Podge I'm going to go over the sides of the wood the inside where it connects to the uh where the picture connects to the sides and all those little gaps I want this to be completely the same finish so that it looks like it was.

Intended to be this way I don't want it to appear as though I put a calendar page in a box top right no that's not what we're going for so I'm going to take my and taking wax and Ticking wax and then if you don't have antiquing wax so you could certainly use a brown paint and make your own little stain I'm doing this.

Because I don't want it to be real noticeable it's going to help support the box top so that it will be a standing sign once those are dry I'm going to use the side that I didn't paint because it's sometimes hard for wax and glue to stick together.

And then I'm going to add a little hot glue and quickly flip it over I'll put one to the left bottom corner one to the right bottom corner and then there will be one that's pretty much in the middle not measured so probably not the middle but close enough and the color of It kind of matches the.

Wood and I think it looks good I think it works for our purpose nice and strong you can see my Mod Podge is still a little bit wet in the corners there when it dries it's going to be clear so that's not a problem it's not going to leave a mess on your picture the next project is a b beaded wreath also from Dollar Tree.

So this is a yard stake that I got very early in the season these are some beaded little wreaths here I got the black one and then I have a brown one but I decided to use the black I've got some chalkboard paint in black and a sunflower yellow.

My white chalk paint and a variety of ribbons from Dollar Tree I've already broken the steak off of the back but there's a little bit that remains it's not going to be a bother right now I'm going to take our tags off always wipe down your items so that your paint will stick I'm going to use the white.

Chalk paint to go over most of the parts of this bee except where it is most definitely going to be black which will be the head the antennas and all of the legs we'll let those be black but this way the chalk paint will help that yellow that we're going to put on the stripes really pop out and I won't have to use as many.

Layers so now we're getting into the black chalk paint and I'm going to go over everything that's black the little eyes were bugging me I said yep the eyes were bugging me yeah I didn't like them so I wanted to paint.

Over them and that's what I did here once that white is dry and I'm not going to be running back into the black I'm going to take that beautiful sunflower yellow color and I'm going to put it all over both of the Wings just like that y'all I am going to have my grandbaby.

Soon yes yes yes hopefully my daughter will let me share some pictures when the time comes because we're so excited we are so excited tomorrow or the next day I'm gonna be a Nana okay you see how that's bent up a little bit in the back I'm gonna just grab my little pliers here and bend it up just a.

Little bit more so it's almost like a paper clip and it will go right it'll thread right through the wiring of this wreath and help hold it in place and then of course later we'll make sure that it stays down um with a little extra a little extra help I'm gonna take those same little pliers.

Here make sure that these are squished together so that my beautiful new bead does not go off anywhere these are some artificial flowers that I have they did not come from Dollar Tree but I'm sure you can find something like wildflowers or something like that that would work.

I love these little flowers I've used them in several projects I'm going to just kind of fool around with them a little bit turn everything the way I like them and then we'll start making a little swag to put on the top of the wreath I like to twist them around put their.

Heads little faces forward I didn't have any sunflowers where I would have used those here but I think this is good enough for this project when we have these little yellow and white flowers that grow all over the place in the wild so and I definitely see bees on them so it works perfect I think our little transition screens have.

A little yellow and white flower with B on it too so I'm just fluffing a little bit it's not a bow but it still needs a little attention zip ties hold it in place nicely because I had some little branches that were way too small because these are just really scraps that we have left.

Then I'll use another zip tie I'm going to use two of these to keep it from moving back and forth and I'm going to attach the swag right down on the wreath my little zip ties also come from Dollar Tree so if you're looking for some these are the ones that I use and I've never had a problem with them breaking while.

I'm crafting or anything like that so now we want to put something right in the top let's start on a bow just look at the combinations together and I'm trying to see which ones I think that I will like the best and I do like these together so I'm going to pull these out.

And I'm going to make just a really simple little it's like the awareness bow just make the little awareness shape and then squish it down into itself I like to kind of measure to make sure it's the right size I don't want it to be too big for that space so that's what I'm doing here then I'm going to cut my.

Tails where they're relatively close in length you can use a little clip to hold that in place here's that same bow again it's just a tad smaller all of the three little bows will be sized just a little bit differently than the one next to it and then you can.

Stack them up accordingly and really you could do any bow you wanted here you could skip a bow and just put more flowers in there so that it's not you know specifically like a swag you could do anything like that yacht spring break so my kids are home so you're probably going to hear a lot.

Of background noise but you know what they're in there playing and they worked really hard this year and they're both honor roll students and they got a PlayStation 5. that's right now they're in there playing and having a good time with their dad I don't think you should pay kids for grades but I don't see anything wrong.

With rewarding children for working hard so that's what we did okay so you can see they're all stacked together and then I'm just going to cut another little piece this is an option you can use jute you could use a pipe cleaner whatever you want to attach your little Trio of bows together is fine I just thought I would try a little bit of.

The same fabric we were already using and it works great so now we got that pattern in the middle too now the black and yellow ribbon this plaid one here don't think it has any wire in it but the honeycomb there and this B.

They do have wire in them so that's gonna that's gonna help us keep us looking a little bit better make your bows smaller make your bows bigger leave the bow off however you want to do it I'm just going to take a little piece of floral wire and go right underneath that knot on the back of the bow.

I'm going to kind of twist it around the middle top here but just between the zip ties and that will hold it in place and you can also use that little wire to make a hanger to twist on the back if you want to do it that way too always flip out those bows and I had different ideas as to which one I wanted.

To go where and it didn't cooperate with me so in the end it'll look a little different than it does now but it's the same bow I had one little flower that fell off I'm just going to glue it right in the middle now you can't even see that I put that other Fabric in the middle of that bay.

You can't even tell now I'm taking the opportunity to look and see about these Tails it's almost like when you're when you cut a hairstyle and you're looking now at the bangs you got to kind of see what is framing what and that's kind of what I do I'm picking up those back pieces and pulling them.

Out fluffing them out run your finger through there fluff it up curl the ends now to get this bead to stay in position I'm using some Gorilla Glue and I'm just going to pile it underneath the entrance where we attached it and I'm going to put it some over the wood beads and across the body of the bee.

Foreign does not have the proper amount uh anatomically of stripes and all that but that's not the goal you know that's not the goal it's a representation I'm sure that they should probably have more stripes on his body upward but this works for me we're gonna leave it like.

That so the good thing about these wood beads is if you want to tack down your Tails where they don't move when you hang them you can just tack it down and they'll stay there they'll stay in place no slipping off they'll be there till you try to take them off.

and then again with fluffing these out you can kind of feed them up through the flower swag if you wanted to that would be a good option for you okay so I'm going to take this black the same black chalkboard paint we already use take most of it off the brush and very very gently I'm just dragging this.

Across the wings to give the detail back to the wings very gently dragging very carefully I don't want streaks I only really want the paint to stay on the tops of the wings of the little the Vining I guess in the wings you see what a pretty look that is for me that made all the difference in.

The world but you know what have you ever seen a bee without piling on its little legs and butt yep the bees around here always have pollen on them so I'm just going to grab my little stencil brush gonna grab some more of that sunflower yellow and I'm gonna dust his legs his little feet his head and over the.

Black section on his body with a little bit of this to make it look like there's a little bit of pollen you know he's getting he she whichever they're going to be taking this pollen back to the hive to nourish the rabies very subtle but I think it does make a difference.

that's the third project there's our wooden sign we made with a lid and a Dollar Tree calendar page we use Dollar Tree and thrifted items also for this little beaded wreath and the same thing here I had a lot of fun doing these bees and I'm glad that bees and sunflowers are.

Something that my subscribers and viewers like because it's close to my heart and I like them as well love working with them I appreciate everybody's patience as we work through these slower time of crafting season.

I appreciate it every time I get a subscriber I like somebody turns on their notification Bell it helps the channel to be shown to other people who would enjoy these just as much you can do these the next is burlap tags this is a set of two maybe my favorite one so far grab up.

Some Dollar Tree ribbon some Dollar Tree burlap I'm using these for this and Two Dollar Tree signs these happen to be ones that were around at Christmas time but let's use them now I'm going to take off the tags and the hangers for both of them if you want to peel the fronts off and use those you can but the back is.

Already so pretty and clean let's just take these tags off and use the back save ourselves some time all right I'm going to start with the honeycomb you know place that down here and the same way as we had done before I'm just going to take a little snip here so I can get into it and then pull a long.

String out that's going to give us our line you can see here it's like a run and some pantyhose pantyhose run and we're going to cut along that line to get a nice straight line then we're going to flip the fabric and the sign over kind of get it somewhat centered so we have enough to grab off both sides I'm.

Going to add some hot glue here on the end and fold that up and then we'll go all the way around just like that I'll show you how to deal with the corners all right if you're enjoying this video on these projects it would help me so much if you would give me a thumbs up.

And if you are new to the channel and you would love to see more creative budget friendly DIYs then be sure you subscribe to the channel I would love to have you as part of my family and I love chatting with you in the comment section all right so we're just going to continue around.

And press this all down into the glue it will hold nicely because that glue just gets right into the fibers of that burlap and just locks it into place I love it you can see how we do the top when you fold around the corners you're just going to give it add a little bit of glue fold it.

In on itself okay and then you'll go right along that fold with some hot glue and press it into there easy to do don't worry about the way the back looks on these signs you can always cover this with craft paper if you would like or maybe some black felt or something.

Like that if you want to do it that way if you're not hanging this on the door nobody's going to see the back so you can save your product all right we're going to do the same thing with the B tag until we have two beautiful tags just like this we will start working with the honeycomb.

One now on this one we are going to do a stencil these stencils came from Teemu I ordered these beautiful little things I love them I'm not sponsored by Teemu in any way shape or form I don't have um codes or anything for you here but lots and lots of Crafters are doing hauls for timu and are working with timi soup team so feel free to go check those.

Out if you want to find one and then these are really great though I really like these stencils and since I'm not sponsored you can truly believe what I'm saying here I love these stencils this worked out very nicely for me okay so I'm gonna take my stencil brush I'm going to Pat it down in there and.

Just offload most of it offload means I'm just going to pounce it around until I don't have a wet brush it's almost dry but it still has paint I'm going to go up to these stencil here and start going in circles I'll just go a little bit to the left a little bit to the right all over the top of that stencil so that the paint goes straight down in there my.

Understanding is that if you pounce it upside down you may get fuzzy edges and I have actually done projects before where have done the little pouncing technique and I do end up with those little little mess there so check this out though that is so crisp that turned out great and I just used a chalkboard paint from Dollar Tree.

So you see the little gaps here we're going to use what's called a bridge brush to go in between each of those little gaps so instead of looking like a stamp or stencil it will look hand painted and complete I'm just going to go right over all the little gaps you can see what I'm doing here this is easy enough to do.

Steady yourself hold on to your wrist whatever you need to do get your magnifiers on and look what a difference that makes I'm loving the d project y'all this is a little scrap it almost looks like a wagon wheel I'm not really sure but I keep this kind of stuff when I find it I'm just going to use this as a.

Little ring for the top so I'm going to go over it with the same paint and since I had this brush I just used that let it dry and then once it's dry you can use it this is a little all that came with a basket making kit I'm going to use this to go right through that hole I can see.

It from the back so I'll start on the back side and just kind of wiggle it back and forth until you can see the opening that way you'll be able to get your uh rope in there the way you need it so we're going to cut three pieces of this jute cord and I think I probably have about 14 inches for each of these.

Pieces and we're going to make a braid instead of just using a regular string through here I just thought I would try something new you certainly don't have to do it this way but it's just something different I'm going to use some of my painters tape to tape it to my table right where the knot is where I connected them.

Together and then I put one of my little um electricity things on top and then I think most of y'all know how to braid you just take the inside cross it over and I'm going to go all the way down like this back and forth back and forth until I get the length that I like then I am going to add hot glue all the way around it and then cut it off.

Now it's got a good finish like a shoelace I'll take that little round piece I guess we're kind of using it like a grommet and I will settle that right down over the top where the hole is and the B tag then I'm gonna just push this through I'm going to use my awl here to just.

Help pull it through and then I will thread that also through the one that's got the honeycomb in it I'm going to take the two ends of those pieces of jute or the braided rope and I am going to tie that in a knot so that they are attached I'm going to feed that all the way through so it's smooth on the top and.

The knot is in the back then I'm going to add hot glue to hold these two tags together you can use clamps to hold it in place too if you would like to do that if you need the help didn't add that hot glue because sometimes these things will bow hold down on this or put something heavy on it until the glue is dry.

While that is setting up we're going to go over here to our ribbons and we're going to use four inch pieces of ribbons I'm using Dollar Tree ribbons and some stuff I already had so I've got two of the bees I've got four of the honeycomb this is also some Teemo ribbon I've got two pieces of that and then two pieces of this white linen.

It's more of a cream color though and I'm just going to make an X I'm going to go over and over with whichever colors whichever way you want to do it if you don't want to put it in a pattern you don't have to you can just throw them all down there and just pick it up and put them any which way you want to.

Just going to continue to cross over just like that all right so then we can flip this over once we got the stack all together I like to finish with the little bees on top we're going to flip it over and I'm going to tie now the ribbons in the back are wider they're going to try to fold.

Up or curl up and that's fine just take your time here and you can just push those back down I'm going to slowly do it where it's not too bunched up and messy try to keep it in shape and then I'm going to tie a double knot you can flip it over and tighten the front if you want.

Flip it out a little bit pull those pieces out almost like when you're playing cards and you've got your cards in your hand and you kind of push them to the side so you can see all of your cards you kind of can do this bow that way so you can see all the different ribbons you can trim off what you're not going to use.

Very easy and then you could leave it like that or if you want to go around the middle of it I just thought I'd go around the middle of it with a little bit of this same cream color linen ribbon just for the heck of it you certainly don't have to the jute looks fine once that is all together we're going to.

Glue it down and I want this right underneath where we put that little I guess you could call it a wagon wheel but it's our grommet for this I guess and then if you want to leave your Ribbon straight you can you can dovetail these little ribbons it takes a little more Focus but you can or you can just.

Do like I'm doing and go in there and cut you some Slants just to look like it has a nice clean finish and some people like to take a little heat and kind of burn those edges but for now they're not gonna come apart so we're gonna leave it just like this remember cover your backs if you need to to make it nice and neat you're going to.

Give it as a gift if you're planning on selling it or if you're going to use it on a glass door these are really really nice I hope that you all can find these in your crafting sections in your Dollar Tree I bought a bunch of this fabric y'all a bunch of it because I will be using it a lot of people are liking the bee.

Projects and the sunflower projects so I hope that you are enjoying them as well remember give me a thumbs up subscribe and hit that notification Bell so you don't miss any information on this so very much for stopping by and for all the well wishes for my daughter and the baby and I hope to see you again real soon.



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